Author: Rachel
Prayers for our Family
We are just days away from meeting our sweet baby girl and I would love to ask for a few important prayers for my family as we head into a new season. Health Unfortunately, this year has been rough for us. Besides a few weeks in December, it seems like one of us has been…
Stages of Grief
Important Dates I am realizing that I am not far off from several big dates on the calendar. All of which, I would consider important. First of all, I am now weeks away from my daughter making her grand entrance into the world and blessing us with her presence. The second important date is that…
Goodbye 2019
Final Days of 2019 There are only 14 days left in 2019. Wow, this year has been a doozy for sure. Good riddance 2019. Hard to believe that as I sit and recap this past year, that this has all just happened in 12 months’ time. In 2018, even though I had a baby, it…
MS & Immune Health
The Dreaded Cold I hate getting sick. This last weekend Luke came down with a cold, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to avoid this one. Sure enough, a day or two later both Mitchell and I came down with a cold. Want to know the worst part about getting sick while pregnant?…
Enduring Faith
Faith, Being Sure of What We Hope For This past year has been a whirlwind of heartbreaking news. There are moments that I feel like I am just getting beaten and pounded into the ground. I have shared some of the painful things that have happened to me personally, but I have also received “bad…
Multiple Sclerosis and Pregnancy
Getting Pregnant with MS Did you know that women with Multiple Sclerosis can get pregnant? Something that I didn’t know when I was diagnosed and I am sure many people didn’t know until I announced my pregnancy is that women with Multiple Sclerosis can get pregnant. Some autoimmune diseases do impact a woman’s ability to…
Weathering The Storms
December 31, 2018 I remember thinking (and posting on Facebook) that 2018 was the best year of my life. It honestly was incredible and I am sure that is because it was the year my son was born and I was incredibly happy. I was fortunate that I did not experience the baby blues or…
Would You Rather…
Would You Rather I am sure most people have at some point or another played the “Would You Rather” game with friends or new acquaintances. Would you rather arrive 20 minutes early wherever you go, or arrive 10 minutes late? Would you rather only be able to use a fork or only be able to…
MS Brain Fog
My Three Lesions Not too long ago I had a follow-up appointment with my neurologist. I had been so caught up in the initial diagnosis, that I never thought to ask what areas the lesions are impacting my brain. One lesion, no surprise here, impacts my vision, specifically on my left side. The second lesion…
Stage 4 Colon Cancer
A Crappy Diagnosis A few weeks ago, Mitchell and I just got home from a retreat feeling refreshed, happy, and confident about things starting to turn around this year. A few hours later, we got a phone call. Mitchell’s brother Chris was calling us to tell us that his wife, Lindsay, had been admitted to…