Category: Medical Updates

  • I Finished Breastfeeding and Started a Disease Modifying Therapy

    I Finished Breastfeeding and Started a Disease Modifying Therapy

    *I wrote this a couple of weeks ago and intended on posting this last week. However, last week ended up being quite a whirlwind and I have already stopped my treatment! I will be posting another new blog to explain more later this week. Ending Breastfeeding I am officially done breastfeeding Audrey. I definitely had…

  • MRI Results and Goodbye 2020

    MRI Results and Goodbye 2020

    MRI Results Good news! My MRI from the other day showed that my disease is still stable. No new lesions. This is such a relief. Honestly, after my day started so poorly and the MRI was one of the worst I had experienced so far, I was convinced I was in for some bad news…

  • 5 Simple Ways To Manage Stress

    5 Simple Ways To Manage Stress

    Quick Personal Update A quick update on my personal MS health. I feel incredibly lucky that I have been healthy and my MS has not been an issue for me in this postpartum period. I still have several months left of breastfeeding before I have to get another scan and start my medication again. I…

  • MRI Update

    MRI Update

    Last Friday I had my first MRI since my diagnosis. It was a LONG day. But, I received the best news possible! My scan didn’t show any new or active lesions. PRAISE THE LORD! You can bet that we celebrated with burgers and milkshakes last Friday! Haha. What does this mean for me? Right now,…

  • MS Brain Fog

    MS Brain Fog

    My Three Lesions Not too long ago I had a follow-up appointment with my neurologist. I had been so caught up in the initial diagnosis, that I never thought to ask what areas the lesions are impacting my brain. One lesion, no surprise here, impacts my vision, specifically on my left side. The second lesion…

  • Treatment


    Disease Modifying Therapy There is no cure for Multiple Sclerosis, however, there are 15 different treatment options (often referred to as disease modifying therapies or DMT) that work to try to slow and stop disease progression.  Currently, since my disease was caught so early, I could easily forget that I have MS. However, my treatment…

  • My Diagnosis

    My Diagnosis

    Unfortunate MRI Result March 22, 2019. I scheduled my MRI for first thing in the morning, bright and early at 7 AM. I don’t know if you have ever had an MRI, but that is one way to certainly wake you up and make sure you are alert. Side note | people warn you that…

  • My First Relapse – March 29, 2017

    My First Relapse – March 29, 2017

    Optic Neuritis in California Try to imagine waking up one day and you have a weird blurry/bright spot in your vision. It isn’t very big, but it is noticeable. What is the first thought that would run through your mind? Maybe you are tired, sick, or stressed out and so you equate that to being…

  • Neurologist & Tests & Treatment

    Neurologist & Tests & Treatment

    The Two Week Wait Imagine walking out the door of a doctor’s office with one link to a website on a sticky note and being told you were diagnosed with a disease that you knew nothing about, except that the few people you know that have it aren’t doing so well. It is life changing.…