Tag: Multiple Sclerosis

  • Starting My New Treatment, Kesimpta

    Starting My New Treatment, Kesimpta

    I started my new disease-modifying therapy, Kesimpta, in August. I have been doing my best to learn all about it and I am sure there is still plenty to learn and understand. I have also been trying to learn all the tips and tricks to make sure I have minimal side effects. About Ocrevus and…

  • My Annual MS MRI Update

    My Annual MS MRI Update

    My annual MRI was this past week and I will get to the results in a minute. First, I want to start this post off by thanking those who let me pray for them during my MRI. If you saw my story I asked to be flooded with prayer requests because it is the best…

  • My MS Moment

    My MS Moment

    Unfortunately, I will never forget the day the neurologist told me that I have Multiple Sclerosis. My heart sank. I felt like I let Mitchell down and I truly felt like my life was over. I now know that it is not and I have since witnessed two loved ones actually lose their lives to…

  • New Face of MS

    New Face of MS

    Here it is folks…the new face of MS. That is what my neurologist said about me the other day. He sees all sorts of patients all day every day and I am pretty sure I am one of his patients that is doing the best. In fact, he told me that no one would believe…

  • Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month and Walk for MS

    Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month and Walk for MS

    It is just about Springtime and that to me also means time for MS Awareness! March is MS Awareness Month, and MS Awareness Week is this week, March 7-15! In April I am hoping you will join me for the MS Awareness Walk and in May we have World MS Day.  Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Campaign…

  • Quick Update & MS Awareness Week

    Quick Update & MS Awareness Week

    Quick Personal Update Our baby girl, Audrey Jean Larsen, arrived on February 19, 2020. We are so in love and enjoying all of the baby snuggles. It is definitely different this time around trying to figure out how to manage caring for a newborn and a toddler at the same time. So far, Luke has…

  • MS & Immune Health

    MS & Immune Health

    The Dreaded Cold I hate getting sick. This last weekend Luke came down with a cold, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to avoid this one. Sure enough, a day or two later both Mitchell and I came down with a cold. Want to know the worst part about getting sick while pregnant?…

  • Multiple Sclerosis and Pregnancy

    Multiple Sclerosis and Pregnancy

    Getting Pregnant with MS Did you know that women with Multiple Sclerosis can get pregnant? Something that I didn’t know when I was diagnosed and I am sure many people didn’t know until I announced my pregnancy is that women with Multiple Sclerosis can get pregnant. Some autoimmune diseases do impact a woman’s ability to…

  • Treatment


    Disease Modifying Therapy There is no cure for Multiple Sclerosis, however, there are 15 different treatment options (often referred to as disease modifying therapies or DMT) that work to try to slow and stop disease progression.  Currently, since my disease was caught so early, I could easily forget that I have MS. However, my treatment…

  • It Could Be Worse

    It Could Be Worse

    Trip to the ER In April I had a lumbar puncture, otherwise known as a spinal tap. A lumbar puncture is where they insert a needle into your lower back to get a sample of fluid that surrounds your brain and spinal cord. The goal in my case was to see if it showed any…